Profesor dr hab. n. med.
Dariusz Szpurek

Specjalista w położnictwie i ginekologii oraz onkologii ginekologicznej.

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Dorobek naukowy

Autor ponad 200 prac naukowych opublikowanych w renomowanych czasopismach polskich i zagranicznych.
Wyróżniony w 2005 roku przez redakcję International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics za pracę pt.: „Artificial neural network computer prediction of ovarian malignancy in women with adnexal masses” prestiżową nagrodą „The Best Clinical Research Article from a Developing Country”.

  • Ovarian cancer-derived ascitic fluids induce a senescence-dependent pro-cancerogenic phenotype in normal peritoneal mesothelial cells.
    Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Uruski P, Matuszkiewicz K, Szubert S, Moszyński R, Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Tykarski A, Książek K.
    Cell Oncol (Dordr). 2016 Jul 21.
  • Biochemical composition of malignant ascites determines high aggressiveness of undifferentiated ovarian tumors.
    Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Uruski P, Szubert S, Moszyński R, Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Tykarski A, Książek K.
    Med Oncol. 2016 Aug;33(8):94. doi: 10.1007/s12032-016-0810-4. Epub 2016 Jul 18.
  • External validation of the IOTA ADNEX model performed by two independent gynecologic centers.
    Szubert S, Wojtowicz A, Moszynski R, Zywica P, Dyczkowski K, Stachowiak A, Sajdak S, Szpurek D, Alcazar JL.
    Gynecol Oncol. 2016 Jun 30. pii: S0090-8258(16)30831-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.06.020.
  • Ultrasonographic features and CA125 levels of hormonally active ovarian tumors.
    Szubert S, Łojewski A, Moszyński R, Lisowski A, Sajdak S, Szpurek D.
    Ginekol Pol. 2016;87(4):254-9. doi: 10.17772/gp/62201.
  • The associations between serum VEGF, bFGF and endoglin levels with microvessel density and expression of proangiogenic factors in malignant and benign ovarian tumors.
    Szubert S, Moszynski R, Michalak S, Nowicki M, Sajdak S, Szpurek D.
    Microvasc Res. 2016 Sep;107:91-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2016.06.002. Epub 2016 Jun 14.
  • Solitary fibrous mass of the omentum mimicking an ovarian tumor: case report.
    Moszynski R, Szubert S, Tomczak D, Saad A, Samulak D, Sajdak S, Szpurek D.
    Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2016;37(1):144-7.
  • Senescent peritoneal mesothelium induces a pro-angiogenic phenotype in ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in a mouse xenograft model in vivo.
    Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Sosińska P, Naumowicz E, Maksin K, Piotrowska H, Woźniak A, Szpurek D, Książek K.
    Clin Exp Metastasis. 2016 Jan;33(1):15-27. doi: 10.1007/s10585-015-9753-y. Epub 2015 Oct 3.
  • Malignant presentation of uterine lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
    Szpurek D, Szubert S, Zielinski P, Frankowski A, Sajdak S, Moszynski R.
    Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Oct;54(5):603-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2015.08.015.
  • Colorectal cancer-promoting activity of the senescent peritoneal mesothelium.
    Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Sosińska P, Maksin K, Kucińska MG, Piotrowska H, Murias M, Woźniak A,Szpurek D, Książek K.
    Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 6;6(30):29178-95. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.4932.
  • High Potency of a Novel Resveratrol Derivative, 3,3',4,4'-Tetrahydroxy-trans-stilbene, against Ovarian Cancer Is Associated with an Oxidative Stress-Mediated Imbalance between DNA Damage Accumulation and Repair.
    Mikuła-Pietrasik J, Sosińska P, Murias M, Wierzchowski M, Brewińska-Olchowik M, Piwocka K,Szpurek D, Książek K.
    Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015;2015:135691. doi: 10.1155/2015/135691. Epub 2015 Jul 1.
  • Menopausal status strongly influences the utility of predictive models in differential diagnosis of ovarian tumors: an external validation of selected diagnostic tools.
    Moszynski R, Zywica P, Wojtowicz A, Szubert S, Sajdak S, Stachowiak A, Dyczkowski K, Wygralak M, Szpurek D.
    Ginekol Pol. 2014 Dec;85(12):892-9.
  • Serum arylesterase and paraoxonase activities in patients with ovarian tumors.
    Michalak S, Szubert S, Moszynski R, Sajdak S, Szpurek D. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol.
    2014 Dec;53(4):490-3. doi: 10.1016/j.tjog.2013.08.009.
  • The value of extended preoperative thromboprophylaxis with dalteparin in patients with ovarian cancer qualified to surgical treatment.
    Krasiński Z, Szpurek D, Staniszewski R, Dzieciuchowicz L, Pawlaczyk K, Krasińska B, Wójcicka K, Urbanek T.
    Int Angiol. 2014 Aug;33(4):365-71.
  • Exosomes in Plasma of Patients with Ovarian Carcinoma: Potential Biomarkers of Tumor Progression and Response to Therapy.
    Szajnik M, Derbis M, Lach M, Patalas P, Michalak M, Drzewiecka H, Szpurek D, Nowakowski A, Spaczynski M, Baranowski W, Whiteside
    TL. Gynecol Obstet (Sunnyvale). 2013 Apr 29;Suppl 4:3.
  • Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) expression correlates positively with active angiogenesis and negatively with basic fibroblast growth factor expression in epithelial ovarian cancer.
    Szubert S, Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Nowicki M, Frankowski A, Sajdak S, Michalak S.
    J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2014 Mar;140(3):361-9. doi: 10.1007/s00432-013-1569-z. Epub 2013 Dec 28.
  • Role of osteopontin in differential diagnosis of ovarian tumors.
    Moszynski R, Szubert S, Szpurek D, Michalak S, Sajdak S.
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2013 Nov;39(11):1518-25. doi: 10.1111/jog.12097. Epub 2013 Jul 22.
  • Urban and rural differences in characteristics of ovarian cancer patients.
    Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Szubert S, Sajdak S.
    Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(2):390-4.
  • Usefulness of the HE4 biomarker as a second-line test in the assessment of suspicious ovarian tumors.
    Moszynski R, Szubert S, Szpurek D, Michalak S, Krygowska J, Sajdak S.
    Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Dec;288(6):1377-83. doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2901-1. Epub 2013 May 31.
  • Analysis of false negative results of subjective ultrasonography assessment of adnexal masses.
    Moszynski R, Szpurek D, Szubert S, Sajdak S.
    Ginekol Pol. 2013 Feb;84(2):102-7.
  • Anti-ovarian antibodies in sera of patients with ovarian tumors.
    Szubert S, Michalak S, Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Krygowska-Zielinska J, Sajdak
    S. Immunol Lett. 2012 Dec 17;148(2):133-7. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2012.09.008. Epub 2012 Sep 29.
  • Symptomatic vertebral hemangioma related to pregnancy. A case report.
    Jankowski R, Nowak S, Kasprzyk M, Szpurek D, Zukiel R, Sokół B, Szmeja J, Szubert S.
  • The role of endothelin-1 and its correlation with CA125 levels, grayscale ultrasonography and doppler findings in differential diagnoses of ovarian tumors.
    Moszynski R, Szpurek D, Michalak S, Szubert S, Sajdak S.
    Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2009;30(5):552-6.
  • Assessment of ultrasonography markers and CA125 usefulness in the diagnosis of ovarian cysts.
    Szczublewski P, Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Szubert S, Sajdak
    S. Ginekol Pol. 2008 Dec;79(12):856-61.
  • Clinical assessment of selected vascularization attributes of adnexal masses in preoperative prediction of tumor malignancy.
    Witczak K, Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Sroka Ł, Sajdak S.
    Ginekol Pol. 2007 May;78(5):373-7.
  • Clinical value of the measurement of blood flow in uterine arteries and endometrial vessels in women with postmenopausal bleeding using "power" angio Doppler technique.
    Englert-Golon M, Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Pawlak M, Sajdak S.
    Ginekol Pol. 2006 Oct;77(10):759-63.
  • The influence of ovarian tumour histopathological diagnosis on prognostic values of the sonomorphological index.
    Moszyński R, Szpurek D, Pawlak M, Englert-Golon M, Sajdak
    S. Ginekol Pol. 2006 Jul;77(7):516-22.
  • Clinical value estimation of the Doppler indicies: PI, RI and PSV, TAMXV and MEDV in early differentiation of the ovarian tumors malignancy.
    Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Englert-Golon M, Pawlak M, Sajdak
    S. Ginekol Pol. 2006 Aug;77(8):597-602.
  • Pregnancy as a risk factor in development of varicose veins in women.
    Krasiński Z, Sajdak S, Staniszewski R, Dzieciuchowicz L, Szpurek D, Krasińska B, Pawlaczyk K, Oszkinis G, Majewski W.
    Ginekol Pol. 2006 Jun;77(6):441-9.
  • Comparison of diagnostic usefulness of predictive models in preliminary differentiation of adnexal masses.
    Moszynski R, Szpurek D, Smolen A, Sajdak S.
    Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006 Jan-Feb;16(1):45-51.
  • Using logistic regression analysis in preliminary differential diagnosis of adnexal masses.
    Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Smolen A, Sajdak S.
    Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2005 Sep-Oct;15(5):817-23. Erratum in: Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2005 Nov-Dec;15(6):1260. Rafal, M corrected to Moszynski, R; Agata, S corrected to Smolen, A; Stefan, S corrected to Sajdak, S.
  • Artificial neural network computer prediction of ovarian malignancy in women with adnexal masses.
    Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Smolen A, Sajdak S.
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 May;89(2):108-13.
  • An ultrasonographic morphological index for prediction of ovarian tumor malignancy.
    Szpurek D, Moszynski R, Zietkowiak W, Spaczynski M, Sajdak S.
    Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2005;26(1):51-4.
  • Clinical value of the ultrasound Doppler index in determination of ovarian tumor malignancy.
    Szpurek D, Moszyńiki R, Sajdak S.
    Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2004;25(4):442-4.
  • Evaluation of predictive value of the ultrasound Doppler's scale in determination of the ovarian tumors malignancy.
    Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Uchman P, Sajdak S.
    Ginekol Pol. 2003 Sep;74(9):878-84.
  • Characteristics of ovarian tumors with color Doppler sonography: a comparison of predictive models derived from two academic centers data.
    Smoleń A, Szpurek D, Czekierdowski A, Moszyński R.
    Ginekol Pol. 2003 Sep;74(9):863-71.
  • Clinical assessment of sonohysterography in the diagnosis and management of abnormal uterine bleeding.
    Szpurek D, Sroka Ł, Moszyński R, Sajdak S.
    Ginekol Pol. 2002 Nov;73(11):980-4.
  • Estimation of neovascularisation in hyperplasia and carcinoma of endometrium using a "power" angio-Doppler technique.
    Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Moszyński R, Roszak A.
    Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2000;21(4):405-7.
  • Doppler ultrasonography for detection of pathologic changes in uterine body endometrium.
    Dańska A, Szpurek D, Kedzia H, Spaczyński M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1997 Dec;68(12):604-9.
  • Ectopic cervical pregnancy--conservative treatment with methotrexate.
    Spaczyński M, Słomko Z, Nowak-Markwitz E, Michalska M, Sajdak S, Drews K, Szpurek D, Danska A.
    Ginekol Pol. 1997 Mar;68(3):160-4.
  • Evaluation of blood flow in uterine arteries in patients with cancer of the cervix uteri using transvaginal color doppler ultrasonography.
    Szpurek D, Olejnik M, Roszak A, Dańska A, Spaczyński M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1995 Sep;66(9):529-32.
  • Prognostic value of vaginal ultrasound with color Doppler in differentiating the malignancy of ovarian tumors.
    Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Obrebowska A, Kedzia W, Opala T, Spaczynski M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1995 Feb;66(2):97-102.
  • The evaluation of ovarian tumor vascularization using color Doppler transvaginal ultrasonography.
    Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Obrebowska A, Olejnik M, Dańska A, Spaczyński M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1995 Jan;66(1):32-5.
  • Evaluation of the influence of placental localization on qualitative estimation of waveforms of blood flow velocity in uterine and arcuate arteries in third trimester physiologic pregnancy.
    Sosnowska M, Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Spaczyński M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1994 Dec;65(12):671-7.
  • Evaluation of qualitative values of blood flow indices in uterine and arcuate arteries during the third trimester of normal pregnancy.
    Sosnowska M, Szpurek D, Sajdak S, Spaczyński M.
    Ginekol Pol. 1994 Nov;65(11):602-10.
  • Evaluation of the clinical value in doing complex analysis of blood flow velocity parameters of the umbilical artery for determining prognosis of fetal status.
    Szpurek D, Spaczyński M, Szymanowski K, Sajdak S, Dubiel M, Breborowicz GH, Słomko Z.
    Ginekol Pol. 1994 Jul;65(7):346-51.
  • Predictive value of absent or reverse end-diastolic blood flow in the umbilical artery in the diagnosis of fetal distress.
    Breborowicz GH, Dubiel M, Szpurek D, Ropacka M, Szymankiewicz M, Markwitz W, Kempiak J, Słomko Z.
    Ginekol Pol. 1994 Jul;65(7):341-5.
  • Doppler evaluation of blood flow in the umbilical artery when confronted with morphologic changes in human placenta of pregnancy complicated by diabetes.
    Szymanowski K, Spaczyński M, Szpurek D, Biczysko R.
    Ginekol Pol. 1994 Apr;65(4):163-70.